Could The Mobility Physio Help You?
The Mobility Physio is a Team of Physiotherapists and Technicians covering Bedford and surrounding areas who are specialised in functional rehabilitation. We are all professionals who come from having worked in a variety of settings and have seen the impact that an operation, illness or reduction in mobility can have on a person’s ability to have a quality of life. So, whether for yourself or for a friend or relative who is struggling with mobility and managing everyday tasks, or have returned from a hospital stay and are not quite managing to get back to previous functional level then we can definitely help you!
Home Visits
We provide home visits and care home visits offering physiotherapy in Bedford and surrounding areas. We can therefore see how you are in your normal environment and help you set achievable rehabilitation goals. By practising functional tasks and mobility exercises in a setting you are comfortable with, this helps you gain the specific strength and skills required to undertake them. Whether it is getting in and out of bed or walking to the shop, practising these tasks can improve quality of life by increasing independence whilst improving your general health.
Whether you (or your relative/friend) are at your home or live in a residential or nursing home, physiotherapy may help increase function and improve quality of life. There is no need to settle for what you feel might be inevitable loss in ability or mobility that comes with getting older. The Mobility Physio team have a varied medical background which ensures your physiotherapy sessions will be tailored to suit exactly what you need and all in the comfort of your own home or care setting.
Types of Physiotherapy
The Mobility Physio aims to maintain or regain function and quality of life and we aim to get you back to the best you can be. We can offer appointments within a week and also provide a home from hospital appointment so rehabilitation can begin as soon as possible.
We provide a pre and post operative service for any elective surgery and rehabilitation after unplanned operations.
Rehabilitation for those with Dementia and memory loss is essential to maintain independence and reduce the burden on carers. Home visits are essential for these people as a normal environment and one where they feel relaxed is very important. This means the tasks and exercises have more meaning to that individual and can be adapted to suit that person and their own environment.
We have a Specialist Physio who provides Neurological Physiotherapy for those people with conditions affecting the brain or neurological system.
We also provide contracture management for those who are less able to move, support and advise care givers on positioning and seating advice.
Our Services
We provide best services to our clients